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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Temuduga Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pembedahan Pergigian UiTM


Untuk pengambilan September 2016, kami batch ke 2 yang wajib melalui temuduga untuk masuk ke Fakulti Pergigian UiTM Sg Buloh ni. Sneak peak of this faculty......

currently the largest Faculty of Dentistry in Malaysia
Secara umumnya, syarat khas untuk dapat ijazah pergigian ni adalah 3.5 ke atas. Itu syarat umum la. Huhu. jadi siapa yang berminat nak jadi dentist boleh la set target.

Sejujurnya masa pergi temuduga ni rata rata ex-asasi uitm sendiri. kebanyakan yang dapat 3.5 ke atas akan dapat temuduga ni.

so what to prepare ?
kalau dapat tahu kalian dpt temuduga ni, siap sedialah segala segala macam dokumen yang asli dan yang dah disahkan ok. ok tahun ni check temuduga hari selasa dan sabtu tu dah temuduga. (huhu bnyak kene prepare ni)

so what to expect ?
1) personality test (VAK test)
2) color blindness test
3) wire bending

haaahhhhhhhh pebenda wire bending tu?
chill. kalian akan diberi 1 wire pendek. kene corakkan wire macam dlm gmbr yang diberi.
ni contoh 
hah berdebar tak? haha 5 min je ada k. tapi sebenarnya tak lah sesusah gambar. ok tak nak cerita banyak2. tak suprise la. boleh la mula tengok contoh video wirebending kat youtube.

4) temuduga

during my time, the interview were held by grouping of 2. well for the 2015 interview, it was grouping of 4. my interviewers were both a dentist. yeah they were so nice. but fuhhh i think it was kind of mock interview. bertubi2 soalan :p yes full in english.

soalan dia mudah. so basic. tell me about yourself. yeaahh then come the best part. what u said when u told abt yourself will lead to what the panel will ask next. yeaa jangan menipu haaaah. then of course u must equip yourself with some dental knowledge because probably the panel will ask you to relate all you said with dentistry.

relax sudaaaaah :p

5) rahsia ;p
this is the most thrilling part for me. i didn't expect they will ask us to ..... hehe
nahhh but don't worry to much.

i didn't want to really spoil you by giving all the question that they ask me.
just bear in my it was not as easy as you might think. yeahhhh they just want the best 80 out of maybe 400 candidates . do your best :)

just leave a comment if u have anything to ask :)



  1. yeay boleh komen..hihihi..wah nk jd doktor gigi rupanya

  2. kalau lepasan spm macam mana nak proceed? kena ambik matrik dulu ke? or asasi?

    1. kalau lpsn spm ada 4 jln iaitu matrik,asasi,stpm,diploma. tp saya cadangkan matrik atau asasi sbb majoriti daripd 2 jalan tu. dlm upu lpsn stpm setaraf, hnya ada 2 uni tawarkan pergigian iaitu ukm dan uitm. usm dan um kena mohon asing daripd upu.

  3. Hai bakal junior .hehe . Welcome to dental world . Jgn risau adik2 lepasan diploma pun insyaallah dpt masuk dentistry . Kalau nak tahu , lepasan dip la yg ramai perform tau coz uolls dah blajar lebih dr student asasi n matriks. Pape pun good luck uolls :)

    1. terima kasih senior. yes i am totally agreed to tht statement. never judge a person bc we never know the real them :)
      sebenarnya result upu belum keluar lagi pun.

  4. Salam. Nak tanya ada tak student diploma farmasi masuk degree course ni? Boleh ke?

    1. wslm. boleh je student diploma UITM related dgn sc (sains,microbe,farmasi,mkml perubatan etc) apply degree medic/dentistry kalau lepas syarat & mereka pun ada kuota sendiri. & must be diploma UITM.

  5. Hi boleh minta email? Saya nak tanya ttg dentistry ni sbb dpt tawaran temuduga or email me tq 😁

  6. Selalunyer yg gi temuduga ni confirm tak dpt...saya dpt 4.0...yg lastly question....agaknyer dpt masuk uitm ni awal bulan september ke....thun lepas berapa haribulan masuk???

    1. sebab intake hanya 80 orang. so mmg kompetitif kan? tahniah dpt 4.0. tahun lepas mmg awal september :)

  7. nak tanya...kalu dr jururawat pergigian u29 yg sedang berkhidmat...ada jalan ke nak menjadi seorang doktor gigi

  8. Selalunya kan, interview tu bulan berapa eh?

  9. Lau dpt 3.89..dpt x?

  10. Salam saya dari diploma sains.. Boleh ke saya jadi dentistry??

  11. Diploma sains boleh ke nak apply dentistry

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